Delegate Area

OXYL8 Delegates Dedicated Area.  Lots of very useful Resources.

Pre-course Reading

Various resources, documents and guides which may be useful to read prior to attending a particular course

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Delegate FREE Consultation with Tutor

Book a FREE one-to-one consultation with a Tutor.
Book NOW via the 'Event' Calendar

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LEV Courses Resources

Support resources, templates, guides and other documents relating to each OXYL8 LEV Training Course

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TExT Templates & Guides

Various versions of the TExT Template and huides on how to complete the TExT Report forms

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OXYL8 Videos

Educational and instructional videos in support of OXYL8 Training Courses

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Exam Re-sits

For those who may need to re-sit an exam - here you will find practise exercises (most with answers) to assist in the re-sit and to provide confidence.

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BOHS LEV Practitioners Award

New OXYL8 sponsored BOHS Award for an LEV Practitioner, company or group who (through LEV-related activities) have made a significant contribution to the improvement of health in the workplace.

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