M507 Health Effects of Hazardous Substances

M507 (formerly W507) – Health Effects of Hazardous Substances

M507 will provide candidates with an introduction to the principles of toxicology, the main types of harmful effects to target organs from exposure to chemical hazards at work, and the hazards associated with common hazardous substances..

This course is offered as a 5-day event with the ‘Open Book’ exam on the morning of the final day.

Payment for M507 is not required at checkout,  Invoices will be sent approx 5-6 weeks before the course.

OXYL8 LEV Course MaterialsM507 (formerly W507) is recommended for LEV Specialists who, having completed the Certificate in Operational Competence (Control)/LFOH(S), would wish to expand their level of expertise and competence in the Health Effects of Hazardous Substances.

It is also a ‘pathway’ module for anyone wishing to progress within the profession of Occupational Hygiene – and are embarking on the pathway towards the Certificate in Occupational Hygiene,

M507 is one of the core modules towards that goal.


  • Basic Principles of Toxicology (25%)
  • Physiology & Target Organs (30%)
  • Epidemiology (15%)
  • Health Effects & Industrial Processes (3o%)
  • Outline to Biological Agents (not examined)


On successful completion of this M507 course module, delegates will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the following:

  • Definitions of commonly used toxicological terms
  • Main routes by which hazardous substances can enter the body, and
    the factors which influence their absorption, distribution, storage, and elimination
  • Main sources of information on hazardous substances and processes
  • Key features of the principal target organs affected by hazardous substances at work, and the factors which influence the degree of harm.
  • Principal routes of exposure and toxic and health effects for hazardous substances commonly encountered in the workplace.
  • Conduct basic interpretation of the results from epidemiological studies


There are no educational pre-requisites for the M507 Health Effects of Hazardous Substances course.

Anyone who undertakes this course is expected to be aware of the contents of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) and the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (CHIPS) especially with regard to labelling and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).


It is run as a 4-day taught course [minimum teaching hours 37] with 8 hrs self-study/revision/homework to be completed in the evenings.

Candidates are required to pass a “Practical Assessment” conducted by the Tutor during the course and a “Written Examination”.

The exam is an ‘open book’ examination consisting of 40 Short Answer Questions to be completed within 2 hours on the last day of the course.  The passmark to pass the exam is 50%.


The most common ‘Pathway’ to gaining the Certificate in Occupational Hygiene (Cert OH) involves candidates completing 6 of the 7 M500 series of course Modules; of which M507 is one.

The candidate would then complete two further components: a Personal Learning Portfolio (PLP) and attend a Professional Discussion.  Candidates awarded the Certificate of Operational Competence in Occupational Hygiene, are entitled to use ‘CertOH as post-nominal letters after their name. 


£1650 (+exam fee £165*) + VAT / delegate

* Exam Fees reviewed by BOHS Jan each year


OXYL8 Rubber Duck RoxxyWe work very hard with all our students to ensure they gain significant knowledge from the course …  and secure a pass ….. first time.  Our Delegates will also receive comprehensive course support materials, handouts, pre-course guides etc.

Our pass rates are excellent!

Following on from the course additional Mentoring support is available from our Tutors on a one-to-one basis via Zoom.  Delegates can choose and book a date and time  online which is convenient to both themselves and the Tutor.


Gordon Smith (Course Director)

Gordon Smith (Course Director)

BSc CFFOH former HM Specialist Inspector (HSE)

Hazel Griffiths

Hazel Griffiths

BSc CoC(Control) LFOH(S)

Mark Armstrong

Mark Armstrong


Amy Jackson

Amy Jackson

BSc GradIOSH CoC(Control) LFOH(S)

   LinkedIn Profiles
Gordon – Gordon Smith
Hazel  – Hazel Griffiths
Mark  – Mark Armstrong
Amy   – Amy Jackson

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