SOE works to advance Operations Engineering for the benefit of everyone through education, training, study and research. SOE also establishes and maintains standards of competence and conduct for those engaged in Operations Engineering professionally, with an emphasis on enhancing public safety. Through its Professional Sectors of IRTE, IPlantE and BES, SOE directly influences the road transport, plant and engineer surveying sectors, developing best practice and improving compliance across the board.
For LEV specialists – the SOE has a sub-branch – the Institute of Plant Engineers (IPlantE).
Members can join as Associates of SOE/IPlantE on-line – Join SOE
Other grades available are Member and Fellow.
Through the SOE members can be put forward to the Engineering Council for the awards of Eng Tech, IEng and CEng appropriate to their qualifications and expertise/experience.
This PowerPoint presentation provides more information on SOE and the possibilities from membership SOE Membership