Training Feedback Form

Training Feedback Form

We know completing post-course Feedback Forms can be a bit of a pain but it is a great opportunity for you to assist us in maintaining our high standards of training.
Every Feedback Form is reviewed by a member of the senior team – and we really do appreciate your honest feedback.

"*" indicates required fields

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Please rate the following (1 being “Poor” and 5 being “Excellent”)
Course materials, contents, including pre-course
The Trainers (overall)
The Venue
Follow-up/Support available

Please rate the following
The Trainers were Knowledgeable & Well Prepared
The Training was Engaging & Interesting
The Training was relevant to me/my Organisation
The Training increased my Understanding of the Topic

Thank You - from all the Team at OXYL8 for taking a few minutes to complete the Form – we really appreciate it.
Don’t forget to press “SEND” once completed.

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