
Professional Development

The CoSHH Regulations provide a starting point in they demand anyone involved in LEV activities should be “competent” (without actually defining the word “Competent”).  

However, of significant importance to LEV specialists is an interesting legal difference in UK law where it considers “competence“.  

And that is ……. the onus is on the professional to prove his or her “competence” rather than any accuser (eg HSE) having to prove that they are not Competent (called – the reversal of the “burden of proof” in law).

Recent HSE activities and declarations have shown that they are intent on addressing the level of competency in our industry.  

Let there be no doubt – there is change afoot!

So!  Now is the time to keep abreast of the Professional Development options and opportunities.  If you would like to read more on this subject – see our News Post:-  Professionalise to Survive

In the sections below we will try to summarise the various Professional Development options and the requirements to attain the various levels of recognition.

Please do provide feedback on your experiences with Professional Development and of other options which you might recommend.

BOHS has been at the forefront of initiating and developing LEV training qualifications for many years.  They have a suite of “Proficiency” LEV courses which are listed in their P600 series.

These BOHS courses are probably recognised as the UK’s ‘standard’ for LEV related qualification in the UK.

In addition BOHS jointly with ILEVE (see below) promote the P604 training course.  Delegates who complete P601, P602, P603 and P604 may then proceed to gaining ‘post nominal’ recognition by the award of Certificate in Operational Competence (Control) – also known as CoC(Control).

My personal view is that ‘in time’ the CoC(Control) qualification/award – or something like it – will become the ‘de facto’ standard required for those specialising in LEV.


SOE works to advance Operations Engineering and establishes and maintains standards of competence and conduct for those engaged in Operations Engineering.

For LEV specialists – the SOE has a sub-branch – the Institute of Plant Engineers (IPlantE).

Members can join as Associates of SOE/IPlantE on-line – Join SOE

Through the SOE members can be put forward to the Engineering Council for the awards of Eng Tech, IEng and CEng appropriate to their qualifications and expertise/experience.

Personally I have found the SOE to be very friendly, supportive and approachable.  A great Institute to start your professional engineering route towards Eng Tech, IEng and CEng.


ILEVE was been established to promote air quality in the workplace and to reduce ill health and death due to airborne contamination and hazardous substances in the working environment.

It was set up to be the representative body for LEV specialists and its aim was to provide a focal point for LEV topics, professional development, career advancement and representation for the industry.

ILEVE has been set up under the umbrella of CIBSE (The Chartered Institution of Building Service Engineers).

Following the initial excitement of ILEVE’s inauguration it has been a criticism that some of the ‘steam’ ran out of the Institute’s progress however ILEVE is now operating with a new invigorated Management Team who have set out their re-energised mission and aspirations.


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